
von Meck Foundation

Nadezhda von Meck International Charitable Foundation

named after Tchaikovsky's best friend and patroness
About us:
  • Deutsche
    Nadezhda von Meck Internationale Wohltätigkeitsstiftung. Die Popularisierung des Wissens über Leben und Werk von Pjotr Tschaikowsky. Vorträge, Webinare und andere Bildungsaktivitäten zur Geschichte der Philanthropie. Zusammenarbeit mit Musikfestivals und Wettbewerben. Eigener Verlag für historische Bücher. Interview-1 Interview-2
  • Italiano
    Fondazione di beneficenza internazionale Nadezhda von Meck. La divulgazione della conoscenza della vita e del lavoro di Pyotr Ciajkovskij. Lezioni frontali, webinar e altre attività educative sulla storia della filantropia. Collaborazione con festival musicali e concorsi. Casa editrice di libri storici.
  • Español
    Nadezhda von Meck International Charitable Foundation. La popularización del conocimiento sobre la vida y obra de Pyotr Tchaikovsky. Conferencias, seminarios web y otras actividades educativas sobre la historia de la filantropía. Colaboración con festivales de música y concursos. Editorial propia de libros históricos.
  • Français
    Nadezhda von Meck International Charitable Foundation. La vulgarisation des connaissances sur la vie et l'œuvre de Pyotr Tchaikovsky. Conférences, webinaires et autres activités éducatives sur l'histoire de la philanthropie. Collaboration avec des festivals et compétitions de musique. Propre maison d'édition de livres historiques.
  • Polski
    Międzynarodowa Fundacja Charytatywna Nadezhda von Meck. Popularyzacja wiedzy o życiu i twórczości Piotra Czajkowskiego. Wykłady, seminaria internetowe i inne działania edukacyjne na temat historii filantropii. Współpraca z festiwalami i konkursami muzycznymi. Własne wydawnictwo książek historycznych.
  • عربي
    مؤسسة Nadezhda von Meck الخيرية الدولية. تعميم المعرفة حول حياة وعمل بيوتر تشايكوفسكي. محاضرات وندوات عبر الإنترنت وأنشطة تعليمية أخرى حول تاريخ العمل الخيري. التعاون مع المهرجانات والمسابقات الموسيقية. دار نشر للكتب التاريخية.
  • 中文
    纳德日达·冯·梅克国际慈善基金会。 关于彼得·柴可夫斯基的生活和工作的知识的普及。 关于慈善史的讲座,网络研讨会和其他教育活动。 与音乐节和比赛合作。 自己的历史书籍出版社。

  • 한국어
    Nadezhda von Meck International 자선 재단. 표트르 차이코프스키의 삶과 일에 대한 지식의 대중화. 자선 역사에 관한 강의, 웨비나 및 기타 교육 활동. 음악 축제 및 경쟁과의 협력. 역사 서적을 소유 한 출판사.
  • 日本語。
    ナデジダフォンメック国際慈善財団。 ピョートル・チャイコフスキーの生涯と仕事に関する知識の普及。 慈善活動の歴史に関する講義、ウェビナー、その他の教育活動。 音楽祭やコンクールとのコラボレーション。 歴史的な本の独自の出版社。面接
Japan 日本 Япония
Our cultural attache in Japan - Tomona Miyazaki
And our Partner organisation 1220letters.com
宮﨑朋菜, デニス・フォン・メック, 上月 豊久, 中川恭志
デニス・フォン・メック - 日本ロシア協会共同創設者
日露チャイコフスキー・フォンメック協会 / 東京都千代田区神田紺屋町46 風月堂ビル3F
LINR-2024: 社会活動分野の受賞者デニス・フォン・メックさんについて

China 中国 Китай
Tchaikovsky's biography by G.Sizko
is translated into Chinese
感谢您为本次柴可夫斯基传出版所做的责任 编辑⼯作及为俄中两国⽂化交流所做的贡献。
Tchaikovsky's spiritual testament
"I desire with all my soul that my music should become more widely known and that the number of those people who derive comfort and support from their love of it should increase"
letter from P.I. Tchaikovsky to N.F. von Meck on August, 13 1880, Kamenka
Tchaikovsky's very last letter to von meck
"I can express with all my might my boundless, ardent, altogether in affable gratitude. You probably yourself do not suspect the full immensity of your good deed!…"
letter from P.I. Tchaikovsky to N.F. von Meck on September, 22 1890, Tiflis
Hundreds of all year round activities
Lectures, publishing and other educational activities on the history of philanthropy. Collaboration with music festivals and competitions. Exhibitions, shows, talks.
Radio & TV talks
since 2016
Experienced in talks and interviews on Russian federal channels and abroad
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Lectures & Confs
since 2017
Member of historical and musical associations, speaker at conferences and forums
Books pablishing
since 2019
Several books in Russian and Japanese. Chinese, German, English, Spanish are coming
since 2017
150 coins and medals of Tchaikovsky from France, Japan, Italy, Germany, China, Poland, S.Marino, N.Korea...

von Meck Foundation

founded and lead by direct descendant Denis von Meck


Recently, The Spiritual Path of Tchaikovsky by Galina Sizko was presented to the public in the library of the Russian Center of the Tchaikovsky House in Hamburg. The book was contributed and published by Denis von Meck, a descendant of the families of Tchaikovsky and von Meck, the founder of the von Meck Charity Foundation and a collector. The Russkiy Mir asked Denis to share about activities of the foundation established by him, and about his collection.

<read more >
magazine "Russky Mir" (Russian World, Русский мир) 07/07/2019

Denis von Meck interview (English) 2021

Concert in Moscow State Conservatory for diplomats.
And a lecture "Tchaikovsky and cultural diplomacy". See more...

Le philanthrope et éducateur Denis von Meck a donné une conférence sur l'amitié entre Tchaïkovski et Nadejda von Meck à la Maison russe des sciences et de la culture à Paris. ample

Denis von Meck Moskauer Deutsche Zeitung interview 01.08.2024
Bewahrer der Geschichte: Denis von Meck
Der Gewinner des Wettbewerbs „Russlands herausragende Deutsche“, Publizist und Philanthrop Denis von Meck im Interview mit der MDZ.
Copyright © 2024 Moskauer Deutsche Zeitung. Mawi-group | Entwicklung und Unterstützung der Website

Unsere Gespräche mit den Gewinnern und Nominierten des gesamtrussischen Wettbewerbs „Russlands herausragende Deutsche“ setzen sich fort. Im Jahr 2024 wurde Denis von Meck mit dem Artur-Karl-Preis im Bereich des Zivilen Engagements ausgezeichnet. Denis ist Aufklärer, Verleger, Mäzen, Gründer von Vereinigungen von Tschaikowski-Verehrern und Leiter der von Meck Wohltätigkeitsstiftung.

Denis von Meck Gewinner im Bereich des Zivilen Engagements
digital format books for free
We collect and publish scans of antique books about Tchaikovsky.
Download for free from here, use and share.
Let's find common interests!
  • 1
    Tchaikovsky music is widely known all around the Globe
  • 2
    Share archive items, old photos, private collections, rare books
  • 3
    Additional prizes
    We cooperate with many of festivals providing support and prizes
  • 4
    Translating books
    We translate books about Tchaikovsky into several languages
  • 5
    Talks, shows, interviews
    We are pleased to join your radio programs, talks, webinars, etc.
  • 6
    Collection from 20 countries
    We present the collection of 150+ medals and coins with Tchaikovsky in museums, theaters, universities, etc
Part of our collection Tchaikovsky in medals & coins
Other collections we can proudly present:
"Tchaikovsky's portrait, photography, poster"
"Tchaikovsky in antique books"
"Tchaikovsky in small sculpture"
Interest in Russian culture and history easily brings people of all ages and nationalities together

By I.Chepaykina
They say that song is the soul of the nation, but is it possible to hear the soul in symphonies, operas and instrumental concerts? Today we will learn how the symbol of Russian classical music unites countries and continents and talk about cultural diplomacy in action with Denis von Meck, founder and president of the Nadezhda von Meck International Charitable Foundation.
– Denis, how did your path to cultural diplomacy begin? What would you like to tell representatives of other cultures and mentalities about?
– So far, I am just at the very beginning of the journey, but consider it to be really promising and extensive. This is my first project in the field of cultural diplomacy which includes three main areas at the moment. One of them is the popularization of the work of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky in different countries of the world, carried out with the help of his music lovers. Moreover, I publish books, record videos and podcasts about the lives and good deeds of people who created the history of our country. And finally, I hope that in 10 years there will be not 50 as it is now, but 500 musical educational institutions named after P.I. Tchaikovsky in the world, united in a dedicated association. Students of such schools, colleges and universities could not only become seriously interested in the personality of our great compatriot, but also make a contribution to their future career by learning to perform his works professionally and with greater love.
-Pythagoras once said: "To understand a nation, learn its language." Do you think it is possible to understand a nation by performing or by listening to its music?
– German poet Heinrich Heine asserted: "Where words leave off, music begins." And Pyotr Ilyich said: "Where words are powerless, a more eloquent language appears with all its force – music". No doubt that such knowledge is possible, and the work of Tchaikovsky is definitely the best confirmation. It was he who created "Russian versions" of many musical forms, although our compatriots including Anton Rubinstein had composed piano concertos before. And yet, Sergey Taneyev (composer, director of the Moscow Conservatory) stated that the first truly Russian concerto belonged to Pyotr Ilyich. Besides, Tchaikovsky said a new word in sacred music, discussing the differences between Roman and Byzantine traditions with Taneyev. And can you not hear folkloric melodies in his music which make it so Russian? Just remember the melody of the folk song "There stood a birch tree in the field" in Symphony No. 4 in F minor.
– Which international projects dedicated to Russian history and culture are currently led by your charitable foundation?
– I am developing friendly relations with the Tchaikovsky Society (Tschaikowsky-Gesellschaft) in Germany – perhaps the most authoritative foreign organization of the kind in the world. The association of European musicians, musicologists and music lovers has already celebrated its 25th anniversary and hopefully a similar organization will appear on the other side of the planet – in Japan. So far, my main hopes are connected with the Asia-Pacific region and Latin America, although until restrictions are canceled and borders are opened many things can only be assumed and not planned.
– So, there are many admirers of Russian classical music in exotic Latin American countries?
– I would not say there are many of them, but I was just lucky to begin a cooperation with a lady from Argentina who is in love not only with the work of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, but also with the personality of Nadezhda Filaretovna von Meck. Love works wonders and probably it helped my acquaintance to open a local agency named after von Meck which supports people of art at the beginning of their careers. We are also planning to publish a book about Tchaikovsky in Spanish this year and I am sincerely grateful to a talented translator from Spain for her contribution to this project.
– It would be interesting to know what attracts foreign audiences most of all.
– I think the audience is mostly attracted via music. The phenomenon of Tchaikovsky as a composer is that his compositions are more popular now than 150 years ago. Modern technologies allow us to find music for any taste on the Internet and yet interest in the work of Pyotr Ilyich is growing from year to year all over the world. Probably, genuine art is stronger than cultural differences, fashion and even time.
– Do schoolchildren and students participate in your events? If so, how did you manage to capture them and attract their interest?
– It is important to come to love your homeland as a child. I have experience of speaking not only in front of young people, but also elementary school children, who are curious to learn about life in the 19th and early 20th centuries as well as about the good deeds of people of that time, which are still honored by their descendants. In the future I am planning to publish dedicated books and coloring pages for children of all ages. Hopefully the educational institutions we discussed before will bring up not only first-class musicians, but also kind and caring people.
– What is the easiest way to talk about one's native culture in our digital age? Which information portals turn out to be most popular abroad?
– In fact, we all differ in channels of perception. Some like to read, others – to listen, and some – to watch. It is important for me that as many people as possible can learn about Russian history and cultural treasures, so I have mastered all forms of communication with audiences: publishing books, recording webinars and podcasts. In addition, I hope to start making films and digitize published books after a while. As for the foreign public, so far I have published only a paper version of the book "Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky" by Galina Sizko in Chinese and a digital version of "Tchaikovsky's Spiritual Journey" in Japanese, but think this is a good start.
– Do you believe print editions can still compete with electronic books?
– In my opinion, the age of paper books will not be over soon. They have one undeniable advantage – illustrations which can be works of art themselves. Nevertheless, electronic books may "catch up" with print editions and even "get ahead" of them over time as digital images are easy to enlarge and save. Besides, some readers are interested not only in drawings and photos, but also in archival records which are sometimes easier to find in electronic format.
– I guess readers are curious about your immediate plans. Which countries do you expect to cooperate with in the near future?
– So far, the Asia-Pacific region and Latin America remain my main centers of attraction. Now when the Tchaikovsky and von Meck Association is already established in Japan (http://1220letters.com), I plan to move toward cooperation with China, Korea and other Asian countries. Probably it is better to publish literature in state languages first and then start developing communities of musicians and music lovers, organizing festivals and concerts. Maybe it will be even easier to work with Latin Americans as the cultural barrier between us is not so high. Moreover, for many residents of Spanish-speaking countries religion is not just a set of strict rules or rituals, but a foundation of their life and worldview. It is for them that I plan to publish Galina Sizko's book " Tchaikovsky's Spiritual Journey " in Spanish and hopefully it is going to be a success. It is a different matter that only experts in confessional differences can tell modern Catholics about the spiritual quests of an Orthodox person from the 19th century. Most likely, translation and adaptation of the book will be performed by a big team, but no doubt this work is worth it.
– Any path teaches and changes us in its own way. What did you discover personally for yourself while presenting your native culture to a foreign audience?

– I don't have lots of experience working with foreigners so far, but there is one thing that really surprises and inspires me. Despite the complex international situation, interest in Russian culture and history easily brings people of all ages, professions and nationalities together. Once I was impressed in a nice way by a Japanese national who suggested to name a local community of Tchaikovsky's music admirers the "Japan-Russian Association named after Tchaikovsky and von Meck." I considered this just a courtesy typical for the Land of the Rising Sun and deliberately used the name "Tchaikovsky Association" four times, but the patient Japanese kept insisting on the first option. Later I asked why he was so attracted to the name von Meck and heard approximately the following: "If our compatriots learn about such a wonderful example of patronage and selfless moral support, it will be an honor for them to join this association." So, you can see that one can make truly remarkable discoveries even at the very beginning of a long journey!

– Denis, thank you for today's conversation. I sincerely wish great success to your International Charitable Foundation and hope that, thanks to the efforts of caring people and Tchaikovsky's timeless music, cultural "bridges" between people and continents will become even stronger.

Source: https://moderndiplomacy.eu/2021/08/14/interest-in-russian-culture-and-history-easily-brings-people-of-all-ages-and-nationalities-together/
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